January’s Theme: Back To Basics

Here we are at the end of 2022 already, the 12 months, 4 seasons and 365 days of the year lie behind us. So what has this year meant to you?

If we focus on the news and how it’s reported, the world can seem overwhelmingly negative. There has been a lot of negativity for sure with prices escalating at an alarming rate, wars, natural disasters and a whole lot more. In spite of all this, I’m choosing to focus on the positives and the good things in my own life that I can control. As always my health is my top priority, and of course, this year was the start of the Wellness Hub, which has brought me so much joy. It’s been a privilege sharing recipes, tips, ideas and knowledge while connecting with everyone in a more personal way through the FB group. 

We are all good at beating ourselves up for our perceived failings, but absolutely no one is perfect or has it all figured out; we are all on our own journeys and are allowed to live life on our own terms, find what makes us happy and choose our own path to health that will support our trillions of gut microbes. They just happen to be the best and most important friends, we will ever have!

So, this January, we are going Back to Basics, to discover what our body actually needs to be well and what it doesn’t. There will be no fad diets or deprivation here, January is the worst month to start surviving on cold juices, eating salads and denying ourselves warming and nutritious food. Instead, we need to be eating MORE of the right foods and providing fuel for our gut buddies, who literally influence every aspect of our health. Vibrant plant-based food, as nature intended, packed with fibre, protein, polyphenols, vitamins and minerals, prepared in the most nutritious way will always be my go-to. Soups, casseroles, curries and healthy bakes are all on the menu this month, with a fair few ferments thrown in for good measure!

I will be hosting several live discussions over on the Facebook group this month, check out what I’ll be covering below. I’ll also be running an exclusive Vegan cheese zoom workshop.

I’m so looking forward to beginning the year on a positive note and continuing to live the natural, healthy lifestyle that I love and know supports my health and makes me feel great. I literally couldn't imagine my life without abundant plant-based meals, my many ferments, jars of foraged delights and my trillions of gut buddies! Put them first and let the microbial magic unfold!

I am genuinely so excited to share this journey with you all. Wishing abundant health and happiness for you and yours in 2023!

Janice x


February’s Theme: Give Your Gut Some Love


December’s Theme: Joyful Celebration