Nourished by Nature

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October’s Theme: Immune-Boosting

So although autumn is here, we have been blessed with some rather lovely surprise sunshine, which is just what we need to boost our vitamin D levels before winter sets in! A late summer gift!

Ageing well and preserving food, our focus for September, is a relevant theme for any time of the year, as there is always food to preserve and we want to preserve our health for as long as we can. Interestingly apart from diet, exercise and managing stress, our attitude towards ageing really makes a difference to how we biologically age, so we actually are as old as we feel! As always a plant-based, wholefoods diet is the best choice for ageing well, which is what we are all about on the Wellness Hub.

October heralds cold and flu season so we will be looking into how to support our immunity. Considering that 70% of the immune system is in the gut, diet becomes of prime importance again! We are all aware that our trillions of gut microbes need a diverse diet packed with fibre to function optimally and keep us happy and healthy, but as the seasons change foods like turmeric and ginger, citrus and berries, dark leafy greens and pumpkins all become increasingly vital for our immunity.

Nature, as always has us covered, brambles, rosehips, elderberries and hawthorn berries are all abundant now and the mighty sea buckthorn berries are ripening all along our coastlines, packed with vitamin C to support immunity.

This is the time to make our natural remedies; elderberry and rosehip syrup, fire cider and sunshine tea are all great, simple things you can make to support your health. I love having some warming Golden Milk on chilly evenings- it’s like a hug from inside out.

And don’t forget the ferments! Fermented Garlic is nature's antibiotic and should be in everyone's cupboard, it's so versatile and can be added to any dip or dressing, it’s mellow but powerful and I wouldn’t be without it!

Halloween brings a bit of fun to the month, especially for those of us with young kids or grandkids, so we will be making some fun but healthy halloween themed treats. 

We are most excited to be returning to the beautiful Ardmay House at the end of the month for our Wellness Weekend!

We have a fabulous programme of fun activities from cold water dipping, qi gong, forest bathing, storytelling, arts and crafts, face yoga, singing bowls, and of course we will be eating the best food and just having a lovely time getting to know one another!

I seriously can’t wait, it’s going to be so much fun!!

My workshops are up and running again, and I have some availability for sourdough and kombucha workshops, so book in asap, before they sell out.

In good health,
